pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind

Are Pork Rinds Considered Meat?

Pork Rinds served with a hamburger

November 15, 2022 6 min read

While some perceive pork rinds as fit for vegetarians. The opposing crowd, however, believes it’s an outrageous claim. Since there is more than one school of thought, each backed by some degree of fact, it’s tasking to pick a side.  

While some believe that the lack of muscles and fat in pork rinds justifies that pork skin (used for making pork rinds) isn’t meat, sadly, that’s quite far from the truth. In this article, we’d uncover the truth of what pork rinds are by careful examination of their nature, structures, and varieties (fried pork rinds and baked pork rinds).

Quick Definition Of Meat

When there’s an unsettled debate with terminologies or the understanding of a concept, it’s best to refer back to the basics. So, in this case, we’d have to go back to our knowledge of what meat is and is not. 

According to Webster's dictionary, meat is the flesh of an animal, especially mammals. Meat also refers to the muscle tissue of an animal.

Animal muscles are roughly 20% protein, 75% water, and 5% fat. This also includes carbohydrates and assorted proteins, with each cell crammed with filaments fabricated by actin and myosin proteins. That definition paints a picture of what should be considered meat. But, it leaves the question of why pork skin is considered meat.

Why Are Pork Skins Considered Meat?   

Pork skins are significant ingredients in the making of pork rinds. These pork rinds come in varieties like fried pork skins  and baked pork rinds  having a similar package to pretzels, chips, and other snacks. But, do not let the packaging fool you as they are meat, even though they might have the form and sometimes flavor of your everyday chips. In truth, pork skins are merely an edible byproduct of pork processing.

After the pork is processed, the skin is generally left as a byproduct. But, given its uniqueness in taste, it found a use in the production of pork rind. Sometimes it could be fried pork skin, and other times, it’s baked, but it doesn’t change that it’s the skin of a mammal used for protein (meat).

Ways To Use Pork Skins in Your Recipes

It’s on you to choose how you make use of your pork skin as pork rind pickles, to eat them straight out of the bag, or get inventive with how you use them. Well, if you are the latter, it’s good to know you are not alone. And there’s more than one way to consume pork skin creatively. And we will explore some of the easiest ways to do it.


Getting creative with your greens is one of the best motivations you can personally use to eat healthily, and pork skins can contribute immensely to your creativity. And as an added advantage, pork skin has significant nutritional values like proteins and sodium and is sugar-free. Now combine that with your greens, and you can have the best of both worlds. Pork rinds bring all the crunchiness and flavor that gratifies your greens.


Pork rinds are viable as chips. They have a unique taste even with the generic lookalike of the known potato chips. This means you can also choose to have them on the go or as indoor snacks for any event adequately preserved.

They are a more exciting alternative to regular chips and party dip offerings. You should try it. 


A grilled cheese sandwich tastes excellent, depending on the chef. But why play it safe? You can provide a new adventurous new feel and taste by including pork skin in your keto recipe. It’s a whole new level, and there’s no limit to how you can use them in your keto bread or spring rolls.

The exciting part is that you choose the recipe. There is no strict rule on how you can use your pork skin. Add them to the mix and see how heavenly your breading process/sandwich looks. Now have a bite of that juicy mix.


Well, the list wouldn’t be close to complete if we left out tacos! It’s a fantastic way to blend your pork skin in a spontaneous and satisfying food mix.

What’s stopping you from adding this delight to your taco mix? You can substitute the ground beef or chicken and settle pork skins on the meat or chicken. However, if you choose to do it, be sure the result will be a mindblowing, savory, and mouthwatering homemade taco. 

FAQs About Pork Skins   

Even with our detailed description of pork skin, some stones still need to be turned in, as we might not have provided all the answers you needed or expected. But no need to worry. If there are still some questions you want answers to, we may answer them here. So, read through:


Pork rinds are made of pork skin. It could be fried or baked and still feel and taste great. Pork rinds are a brilliant addition to the keto diet, especially since they have no embedded carbs. However, they are highly proteinous and have a relatively high composition of calories. As a result, consumption should be moderate and controlled.

You’re more likely to find them so satisfying as they can quickly fill your stomach, making it almost impossible to have too much of the pork rinds. 


Pork rinds are fried pork skins. The result has a crunchy texture and possibly heavy salt seasoning. As snacks, they have a similar taste to bacon chips. However, they are pretty easy to chew. 

The significant differences between pork rinds and pork skins are in texture and taste. Since pork rinds are processed pork skin, it’s only fair to say pork skin is the unprocessed pork rinds and that they lack the flavor and finesse of pork rinds. 


Yes, pork skins are meat. However, some think they are not due to the absence of muscle and fat like every other meat. But pork skin is animal tissue and still fits the definition of meat.


Chicharrones, like pork rind, are made from the skin of a pig. They are categorically leftover pig skin fried until crispy. So why are they called chicharrones and not pork rinds? Well, it depends on your present location. Pork rinds are called chicharrones in Colombia and Mexico. They are divided into chicharron tote add, exploded pig crackling, and chicharron concho, part of the hog meat clings to the skin.


No! If you are a vegetarian sworn to stay off animal protein, then pork rinds are not for you. They appear harmless and look like potato chips, but they are made from pork skins. And you should avoid them as best you can. 


Yes, the carnivore diet might exclude many things, but there are no restrictions on pork rinds. And since you’d not want to constrict your choices to dry chicken breasts, the pork rinds would fit just right. You can use them in several ways, main meals or side dishes. 

Pork rinds are an excellent snack for carnivores, especially since they lack artificial taste and provide good protein. 


Men’s Health proposes that a 1-ounce portion of pork rind snacks has about 9 grams of fat. As you can see, that is slightly less than the available fat portion in any serving of regular potato chips, which usually contains about 10.5 grams per ounce. While that might be good news for some looking to avoid fats, it’s important to note that pork rinds contain significantly more protein and salt. So, it’s a question of what you are looking for. 

Pork rind could be a better alternative for you if you want to cut down all your fat intake but not so great if you're going to cut down on protein or salt. Generally, it all depends and varies from person to person. 


Pork rinds might be an excellent addition to different keto diets, mainly because they are a zero-sum carb and proffer natural alternatives to many genres of meat. But, like with anything else you consume, there’s a probability of overdoing it. 

Experts advise caution. However, it's noteworthy that pork rinds are stomach fillers and can satisfy you easily and quickly. So, the odds of consuming too much are relatively lower. But experts advise caution since pig rinds are heavy in protein and calories. So, keep a measure of how much you take. 

Where To Buy Pork Skins   

We provide a variety of pork skins in the form of pork crackling and pork rinds (fried and baked). You are never clueless about what to pick for your next outing and event with that many choices.