pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind

How To Make Pork Rinds Crispy Again?

How To Make Pork Rinds Crispy Again?

November 15, 2022 4 min read

As nutritious as they can be, pork rinds are awful when they are stale and look gloomy with no sign of crispness. But this is not one of the sad stories you've recently encountered.

There's a glimpse of hope for pork rinds lovers. As there are ways you can make your pork crisp again. There are also methods to keep your pork crisp!

Here, we'll unveil everything you need to know about making your pork rind crunchy again. 

What’s the best way to keep pork rinds and cracklins crisp?

Many discussed approaches could help you keep your pork rind crisp and savory. And we'd show you some of the best ways to keep pork rinds crackling crisp. However, ensuring your pork rinds stay crisp starts with your preparation process. So, let's walk you through how to do it right.

  • Firstly, take the roast out of the package and dab it dry using a paper towel. Proceed to deeply score the rind using a small sharp knife 1cm apart. But be careful not to cut deeply into the meat. Proceed to refrigerate the sliced roast for about an hour or more as time permits. This technique works for drying the pork rind and speeding up the cracking process.
  • Place the pork on wire racks in the sink and proceed to add some boiling water to the rind before cooking. Then using a paper towel, dab the area thoroughly until it's scorched. 
  • Use one tablespoon of vegetable oil and half a tablespoon of salt. 
  • Cook and roast your pork rinds using a wire rack in a baking tray at 240 for up to 50 minutes until the rinds crackle.
  • If your roast weighs more than 2kg, proceed to reduce the initial crackling time by 10 minutes.
  • Set the temperature to about356F (180C) and cook for about 30 minutes per kilogram or until your rind is roasted to perfection. 

What’s the best way to reheat Pork Skins?

Preparing chicharrones or any genre of pork skin at home is already quite tacky but can be done by everyone.

You are cutting your hog skin into bite-size pieces to start with. Trim off the fat layer linked to the skin, but do not entirely remove it. It’s delicious! Place the chunk side up while leaving the fat side down. Sprinkle it with salt for flavor and taste, especially after spraying them with olive oil. 

Now that is out of the way, here are the steps involved in reheating your pork skin:

  • Start with preheating the oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Array your baking sheet with layers of aluminum foil.
  • Add the breaded pork cutlets to the oiled baking sheet and tightly cover the pork chops with another layer of aluminum foil.
  • Heat the pork in the oven for around eight minutes
  • Store the leftover pork in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.


Yes, you can microwave pork chips for about 10 seconds at high temperatures. If they are not crisp enough, you should microwave your pork rinds for another four to five seconds. 

When you microwave the pork rind, ensure you wrap the chips in a paper towel in the microwave. Without overlapping, see that the microwave stays for medium/high heat for about 40 seconds. Leave the chips for about 3-5 minutes to cool. And see the magic as the chips cool. They will crisp up. 


If reheating your pig rinds in the oven is your target, ensure to use a measurable amount of oil and salt. Usually, it's okay to start with about one teaspoon of salt and work your way up to two teaspoons or until it's perfectly salted to taste. 

Before proceeding, preheat the oven to 325F and bake the pig skin chips until brown and crispy. And depending on your range, it should take about 1.5 to 2 hours to get done. 

It’s essential to allow each piece to cool before eating them. This way, the pig rind comes with a unique flavor and texture.

What’s the best way to reheat Cracklins?   

If basic pork rinds are made from pig skin that's free of fat, pork cracklins are made offried pork fat(with skin) and salt. Pork cracklins aren't tremendously or significantly crispy when cool, but it doesn't take a genius to reheat them. 

Start by preheating the oven to about 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Proceed to place on a cookie sheet or pizza pan, and then bake for 2-4 minutes.

For the best taste cracklins, you can try one of our unique selling pork rinds. 

Will pork crackling keep crispy overnight?

There are ways you can keep your crackling crispy overnight. Start with ensuring that you do not wrap it in plastic. Plastic traps residual moisture and ruins the taste and feel of your pork rinds by making them ridiculously soft and chewing. 

To preserve the quality of your pork rinds, you should store the crackling only at room temperature in a dry location and area. You can do that easily by wrapping it in food-safe paper and proceeding to hold it in a brown lunch bag.

Can you freeze Chicharon, Crackin, and Pork Rinds?

Yes. You can freeze your Chicharon, Cracklin, and pork rinds if you do it right. The pieces hold together and rightly at room temperature. Wrap your crackling in a paper towel to remove the grease in a sealed container. If you use a fridge, you can preserve the chip for up to three days, and more than a month when you use a freezer.