pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind

Plenty of rinds
to go around

Pork Rind Variety Pack

Pig out with our selection of pork rind variety packs. We offer samplers that are pig-gineered with a variety of options, like gourmet pork rinds, pork cracklin samplers, baked pork rinds, and family-size pork rinds. Try our slightly spicy pork rind sampler, which will have you feeling like the big bad wolf, huffin’ and puffin’ and blowin’ the house down from these three crispy pork rinds. Our unique flavors are so tasty, we know you’ll be trottin’ back for more! We offer a subscription option of our pork rind variety packs that will save you 15 percent over the price of a one-time purchase. This way, you won’t have to twist your tail worrying about running to the store and paying full price when you run out of the porky goods. Contact us for more information: oink@porkrinds.com