pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind pork rind

    A Frittata for the Ages

    A Frittata for the Ages

    August 11, 2022 2 min read

    If you're old enough to remember FX's The League, you'll also recall that FRITTATA was often used as an insult towards the gang's comic relief anti-hero, Taco.

    Starting today, "frittata" becomes a compliment. Why? We've reinvented what it means to be a frittata.

    Back in Old Italy, the frittata was basically just a quiche without the crust. Sometimes, edgy chefs would add meats and vegetables. But no one was crazy enough to incorporate pork rinds...until now.

    Today, the frittata has a chicharrones-flavored edge to it. We've taking some leftover Asian-inspired take-out, infused it with our classic Korean BBQ pork rinds, and mixed it all into a classic frittata dish.

    The next time someone calls you a frittata, you now have permission to stare them square in the eyes and exclaim: "Thank you!" Because you're innovative, resourceful, and a little bit crunchy, just like our new favorite recipe.


    • 1/2 cup of Korean BBQ Pork Rinds, crushed
    • 6 large eggs, preferably chicken
    • 1.5 cups stir fry veggies, ideally from last night's leftovers
    • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    • Dash of kosher salt
    • Dash of black pepper


    1. Grab a medium bowl and whisk up your (chicken) eggs until the yolk and whites are fully incorporated.
    2. Into the egg bowl, mix in the crushed pork rinds and stir fry veggies.
    3. Season with salt and pepper and give the egg mixture one last mix-up.
    4. Heat up your favorite large skillet with the olive oil.
    5. Once the skillet is sizzling, carefully add the egg mixture and cook for approximately two minutes. You want to see the edges start to set.
    6. Grab a spatula and start to separate the egg from the sides and bottom of the skillet. Cook for about one more minute until edges are fully set.
    7. Reduce heat to low and let the egg in the center continue to cook. Make sure to keep working the edges so the frittata doesn't burn.
    8. Loosen up the frittata by shaking the skillet and gently prying it one last time with the spatula.
    9. Place a microwave safe plate on top of the skillet. Carefully flip the skillet upside down to release the frittata onto the plate.
    10. Flip the frittata upside down and place it back into the skillet, uncooked side on the bottom. We're trying to make sure it's fully cooked!
    11. After about three minutes, your taste egg meal should be ready to go! Carefully move it to a cutting board, season it with salt and pepper as desired, and cut into pie-shaped wedges.
    12. Crush some more pork rinds and sprinkle them on top for an extra crunch!


    30 minutes


    8 servings

    DISCLAIMER: This recipe is not affiliated, sponsored by, or associated with Taco Corp, FX Network, Fox, or The League in any way. Stop being such a Frittata!